Toronto Semi-Private Small Group Training

Get a personal trainer for you and your friends.

Train as a team, triumph as individuals. Get social time and a workout, all in one.

Top 4 Benefits When You Train Together

Combine Social Time & Self-Care Time

Catch up with friends in your weekly workout.

Tailored Training With Shared Savings

Enjoy an exclusive program for your squad and split the cost of a private trainer.

Train At Your Preferred Time

Forget the constraints of fixed class times. Schedule your workouts to a time that fits your group's busy schedules.

Collective Motivation & Accountability

Ignite your group's drive and keep each other on track with shared goals and communal support.

Skill-Building with Friends

Learn new exercise skills, such as barbell techniques, in a supportive environment.

active groups

Pride and Trans Flag on Recess Fit Club Window

Queer Work Out Club

This group started with the graduates of Queer Lifting Fundamentals, who wanted to keep workout out together.

Run 5-weeks at a time in multiple time-slots, we now offer this weekly work out club for open enrolment.

Follow us on Instagram to receive announcements for new dates. Learn more about Queer Work Out Club.

Image of a teachers desk with apple and books in a pile

Teachers of Essex-Hawthorne P.S.

This squad of colleagues wanted to workout on weekdays but needed a time that wasn’t so late in the day. 

We created their own private training team so they could work out after school and still make it home in time for dinner.

This group combines strength exercises with circuit-style training.

Group fitness friends holding dumbbells' at the gym.


Affordable Private Group Training

$32/Session Per Person

Uncomplicated pricing, with no contracts or long term commitments.

Your Group Will Receive:

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